Welcome to the Bronte Public School P&C Association

Message from the President

Welcome to the Bronte Public School P&C website, where you can find out about the work we do to support the school and how you can get involved. We are all volunteers and work tirelessly to ensure our kids benefit from the best possible school environment. We welcome (and need) your help to help make it happen!

The P&C’s role is multi-faceted - we're a conduit between the parent community and the leadership at the school, a forum for parents to connect as well as a fundraising body (we are a registered charity).

Volunteering at the school is a great way to get to know other parents, teachers and build a deeper understanding of the school curriculum. Please consider attending a P&C meeting or contact a committee member and discuss your ideas or concerns.

We encourage all parents to get involved.

Role of the P&C

(a)  Promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation.
(b)  Assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.
(c)  Encourage parent and community participation in curriculum and other education issues.

(a)  Report, when requested by the Minister, on the material requirements of the school and to advise on the subject of maintenance of the school, alterations and additions to school facilities, and the selection of new sites.
(b)  Assist and co-operate with the teaching staff in public functions associated with the school.
(d)  Assist in any other matters in which the Minister may seek the co-operation of the association and to exercise such other functions as may be prescribed by the regulations.

Source: Education Act NSW, section 116

Office bearers

The P&C is a constituted body consisting of five executives elected by members in accordance with the constitution of the Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of New South Wales. Membership is open to any member of the school or local community.

President: Nishara Miles
Secretary: Brenda Mancuso
Treasurer: Steve Miklos
Vice President: Helen Barrow
Vice President: Katrina Barker

Class Parent Coordinator:
Social Impact Coordinator: Alex Tracy
Events Coordinator:

Click here for details.


Make a tax deductible donation

Donate here.

Update your details

Keep your contact details up to date, so Class Parents can keep you informed about P&C activities that support your child’s class and the school.

Update your details here.

Attend a P&C meeting

P&C Meetings are held on Monday 7pm in Week 3 and Week 7 each term.
Find out more about decisions the school is facing, ask a question, make a suggestion, or listen to the Principal’s report.

Contact us here.

Volunteer at an event.

Getting involved is social, fun and will help foster a great community!

View opportunities here.

Raise funds by shopping with our partners.

A lot of local businesses give us a kick-back on your spend, all you have to do is let them know you are part of the community. Have a look at our ‘Shop & Raise’ tab to find out more.

View businesses here.