The events committee is the party place to be! The purpose of events are broadly either fundraising or community-building, with plenty of cross-over between.

Major events are the Fair and the Trivia Night, run in alternating years.

Other events include cake-stalls for the kids, BBQs at any possible occasion, Mother’s and Father’s day breakfasts, Grandparents’ Day morning tea, and Comedy Night for the parents.

We love the school community to get involved in any way. Contact the P&C Events Coordinator via to suggest a new event or volunteer for an upcoming one.

Events and fundraising in 2020 have been markedly affected by COVID-19, but look out for details on the ‘Holiday at Home’ Online Trivia Night - September 12, 2020.


The social justice committee works to make the world a better, fairer place.

If you wish to discuss new initiatives, or want to get in involved in existing projects, please contact the Social Justice Coordinator via